Friday, December 06, 2024

Chorus of fancy sauce

 Go, go

Fallin' like a yo-yo

Everybody's crazy

Gettin' stoned and lazy

Thursday, December 31, 2015

the blues

Is this the New Year or just another night?

Saturday, October 25, 2014

untitled 2

Hilang dan mengharap.
Bukan kesat tapi sesat
Hakikat yang terlalu berat
Bait kata kata yang enggan bicara
Tertutup rapat
Dan sunyi tidak bermadah

Friday, April 25, 2014


and for every words we've exchanged
lies the fault line
where my heart break
little by little...

Thursday, April 04, 2013

The fall

I am faltering,
My prudence attempt to be graceful in defeat,
Hiding the fact that I'm out on a limb,
trying hard to maintain the status quo,
the exigency to keep the bitterness away,
engulfing the very thing I cherish the most,
The voice, the sound and the beating of my heart.

The silver lining,
the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow,
The lies people tell to maintain the status quo,
A last resort, desperately and definitely... maybe?
Equilibrium is a myth, a poignant reminder,
Walking on eggshells and you'll get hurt easily,
you got to wear shoes in the real world,

Wait,... what ?
Forever is a very long time to be living in a lie,
Because if its not this, it'll be something else,

* contain quote from the movie elizabethtown

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Au Revoir

that good bye
simple yet powerful
drowned me
underneath a wave of farewell
that stare of unspoken words
that marked the parting of our ways
no longer together
not even for a breather
so long
so long
my precious, we don't belong
nothing hurts like this sad love song
Writing rhyme that feels so strong
but yet seems so wrong
though it feel so right
in the middle of the night
you can call it a fright
because losing you
will never ever be right

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sepi itu suka berteman

Sepi itu tidak hadir tanpa ditemani si kembarnya sedih,
Duduk bersimpuh setia menemani hati yang dilanda pedih,
Adakalanya dia di sapa sang amarah, menghamburkan kata nista,
Tiada penawar buat sepi yang setia itu kecuali masa,
Kerna masa bisa menawarkan segala duka lara.

Dan lalu bangkitlah wahai hati yang berteman sedih,
Kerana hari esok pasti akan tiba, dan siapa yang tahu apa akan dibawanya
Simpankan harapan pada hilangnya kecerahan cahaya mentari siang
Kerna gelap malam membawa kesepian yang membutakan mata
Apabila kehilangan, baru lah kita sedar akan apa yang kita pernah miliki.

Sulamkan pada genggaman
Sematkan pada kudrat hati
Tiada keciwa yang kekal 
Kerana ianya adalah satu hiasan sementara

Susunkan semua cerita tentang dia
Kronologi sebuah siksa
Bukukan pengalaman dan letakkan di almari kisah hidupmu
Kerana kesilapan itu tiada erti jika tidak disesali

Buangkan dendam itu
Ke lautan dalam dan gelap
Dia hanya satu nama dalam senarai yang panjang
Ini bukan kali terakhir kau akan berteman dengan sepi
